Our wonderful HPG pick up has been such a huge help to us over the past year! A donation from a very valued friend of ours, but unfortunately with the roads we have to travel to each day and the sea breeze our pick up hasn’t survived.
Having a car is a vital part of us running our project. It gives us the ability to transport food, clean drinking water and our staff to school each day. As well as transporting students to the clinic when they are sick, or to register them for their health insurance. We also use our car to deliver clothing donations to communities in need.
We cannot run our project without our car. Paying for a taxi each day in the interim is extremely expensive, and we have to make each penny count with all the work we do.
So, we are now fundraising £10,000 to buy a new car to fulfil the above mentioned and to continue to take care of our children and our lovely little school.
Why this price?
We have researched the car market here in Ghana and to purchase a car which is reliable and safe for our staff and students, this is the budget required.
Also, we need to invest in an SUV or 4×4 car to cater to the incredibly rough bush roads we have to drive to reach our community. A lower set car will simply not manage.
When do we need it?
As soon as possible! With each week passing we are spending more money on a taxi. We are also having to attend school less regularly which will start to take its toll on our productivity.
How can I donate?
Above you can donate in Pounds, Euros or Dollars through PayPal. If you would prefer to make a bank transfer, just let us know and we will send you our account details!